
Classes in Aikido and Aikido Weapons

Aikido is a martial Way that was developed in the early part of this century by Morihei Ueshiba, who synthesized various elements of ancient Japanese martial techniques. His self-defense system allows control of an attacker with minimum use of force, and his training methods promote mental self-control and physical flexibility, endurance and vigor. Aikido is typically practiced in pairs or groups. In addition to techniques using open hand, rolls and throws, Aikido also teaches the use of the wooden sword (bokken) and staff (jo).

Eugene Aikikai's mission is to develop quality Aikido through enjoyable and whole-hearted practice. By quality Aikido we mean much more than technical expertise. The sincere practice of Aikido is a process of continual growth. We aim to support each student in developing continually as a human being. 

Training at our dojo is demanding. Everyone gives 100% to trying to learn Aikido. But everyone trains to their own ability - and with their own body. We have old, young, strong, weak. Whatever your situation, you can probably practice Aikido. We all just train within our own limits. And because there is no competition, our only obstacle is ourselves. Many people are attracted to Aikido for many diverse reasons. Its sophisticated philosophy and concern for the welfare of all, as well as its true martial approach, attracts a wide variety of people.  Aikido is meant to be much more than just self defense. It is a powerful martial way with incredible depth. The martial application is always examined.


eugene aikikai offers classes six days a week in Aikido, zazen and iaido. if you are interested in watching a class, contact us online or stop by the dojo before or after our regularly scheduled classes.


Aikido Fundamentals

Aikido Fundamental classes are offered multiple times weekly for all members. Aikido is meant to be much more than just self defense. It is a powerful martial way with incredible depth. Many people are attracted to Aikido for many diverse reasons. Its sophisticated philosophy and concern for the welfare of all, as well as its true martial approach, attracts a wide variety of people. At Eugene Aikikai, members train to their own ability - and with their own body. We have old, young, strong, weak. Whatever your situation, you can probably practice Aikido. We all just train within our own limits. And because there is no competition, our only obstacle is ourselves. If you are new to Aikido, basics classes will build a strong foundation for growth. 


General Aikido

General Aikido classes are open to all members who feel comfortable training at a higher level. If you are interested in attending general classes, but not sure you are ready, consult the Chief Instructor or your senior students.  


Aikido Weapons

Weapons practice includes the use of bokken (wooden sword), jyo (wooden staff) and tanto (wooden knife). Emphasis is placed on the weapon itself being an extension of the body. Instruction in weapons provides students with the opportunity to deepen their study of balance, timing, distance, weight distribution and body movement. Weapons practice can aid in the development of “martial awareness,” which is crucial in the student’s understanding of Aikido as a martial way. Training with weapons informs the unarmed body art movements, primarily because many Aikido movements are derived from sword work. “The sword and jyo are extensions of your body and must be handled as if they have your blood running through them,” writes the late master Kisshomaru Ueshiba in his book, Aikido. “Unless you can make the weapons part of your body, you have not truly trained in Aikido.”




New Membership Special

3 month membership $250 • includes practice uniform

Learning Aikido is a lifelong endeavor. At first, practice can be incredibuly challenging. For most, undertaking and continuing to practice Aikido for the first few months is one of the greatest challenges. This is what makes practice deeply beneficial to developing ourselves. During the first three months of practice, we will focus on core strength and Aikido specific movement. You will learn to roll and fall in a way that protects your body from an attack. These first few months are challenging, but our students have found that when you push through it, after three months you will have greater confidence and the basic understanding necessary to begin improving martially.